Chrysotile Asbestos

Studies have shown that exposure to chrysotile asbestos, which is also known as (white asbestos) can cause a number of serious medical conditions including lung cancer and asbestosis mesothelioma. While most commercial uses of asbestos in the United States and was one of chrysotile type, the lower the use of these toxic metals significantly during the past twenty years.
Scientists from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health that should be treated chrysotile asbestos "with almost the same level of concern and unknown forms of asbestos."

A study in 1988 to 181 railway workers exposed to chrysotile asbestos. Of them, have been reported 156 cases and deaths. And these deaths, 41 cancer-related and attributed 14 to mesothelioma.

Another study showed 3072 included former president of the South Carolina textile workers exposed only to chrysotile asbestos toxic results. Of workers who had died 1961 By 2001, there were three cases of mesothelioma. Reported the highest numbers for the detection of lung cancer and cirrhosis of the lungs and mesothelioma.

Uses of chrysotile

 Chrysotile fibers are generally more accurate with high flexibility and good resistance to heat. Known as the metal most commonly used asbestos and chrysotile accounts for about 90 to 95% of asbestos used in commercial applications have used these toxic metals in a number of products including, for example:
Brake pads
Btanamwad ceilings

Many scientists believe that chrysotile and curly, elastic fibers and are less likely to cause disease when inhaled than other types of asbestos. Although the other types may be more likely to cause mesothelioma, chrysotile does not constitute a high risk of cancer and a higher risk than that for the detection of lung cancer and lung fibrosis.

Chrysotile is the most common type of asbestos in all parts of the world, and is extracted chrysotile asbestos is still in many countries such as South Africa, Canada, Russia and Italy. Countries that chrysotile mine maintain that it is a safe form of asbestos and often export to other countries and third world countries especially where it is still used widely in construction and other industries and do not know the fact that risk.

Chrysotile is a type of asbestos, serpentine, which means that he has curly fibers that are not as easy to inhale as needlelike fibers of the vague forms of asbestos. It was about 95 percent of the asbestos on all that has been used in buildings all over the United States in particular and a variety of consumer products for the diversity of chrysotile, mainly because it was more flexible than other types, and can be spun and woven into the fabric of the type of products, including insulation, and protective clothing, rope, and a variety of other products. It was also used in brake linings, and floor tiles and ceiling, and a common pool, and many of the elements used in the home, including toasters and hair dryers.

While chrysotile miners maintain that this is a safe form of asbestos, researchers and medical professionals are steadfast in their belief that all asbestos is toxic and that there is no safe level of exposure. Although the miners of chrysotile have less chance of developing cancer than mesothelioma than those who mine forms more toxic than crocidolite asbestos is still a private statistics show that the rate of cancer asbestos in places such as Quebec is much higher than in the past.


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