Fluid effusions

Liquid effusion is one of the acute symptoms of mesothelioma, and if not treated can cause the death of the patient as is the case with all types of mesothelioma, symptoms resulting from exposure to long periods of time and inadvertently to asbestos. Show asbestos disease is often a precursor to injury mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma usually refers to a number of troublesome symptoms that can severely affect quality of life of the patient. One of those symptoms is a pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, or what is known as the place that surrounds the lung. It causes the liquid to make this difficult to expand in the lungs, causing chest pain and dry cough that makes it difficult for the patient to breathe easily.

Mesothelioma with effusion is one of the common symptoms that can prevent the normal function of the device affected. In some cases and presentation of effusion refers to the advancement of the disease or malignant mesothelioma. In addition, it may be the result of effusion secondary to a condition such as pneumonia or other lung diseases.

Patients mesothelioma effusion is common and can affect the pleura or pericardium. After the accumulation of fluid in the lining between the lungs and chest cavity with pleural effusion. Pericardial effusion in the gathering of fluid in the sac surrounding the heart protective. Usually, found a small amount of lubricating fluid in the pericardium.

If effusion is present, and the collection and retention of fluids prevents the function of the device. With pleural effusion - effusion pleural exudate - is intense pressure on the lungs prevents normal breathing and can cause shortness of breath. Exudate pleural effusion occurs after lung injury inflammation of the growth of the tumor. And sometimes pleural effusion transudate occurs with mesothelioma when fluid leaks from blood vessels stalled.

Effusion symptoms include shortness of breath or pain in the chest or abdomen next to the fast heart beat or fatigue. Some patients a sense of drowning with pleural effusion. Can chemotherapy for the treatment of mesothelioma can relieve the effusion. And this is in some cases only if the effusion and severe effusion may be drained.

If the effusion is a symptom of a serious may lead to further exacerbate the other symptoms of cancer, mesothelioma. If someone shows signs of classical effusion, he needs immediate medical attention.

How is it diagnosed
In order to determine whether a pleural effusion is present, the doctor will order an imaging test, usually a simple chest X-rays. And effusion appear on the X-ray accumulation time and reached about 300 ml. Prior to that, it may be difficult for the liquid immediately in the image of the chest.

There are other signs of pleural effusion that help in the diagnosis of the situation. These include diminished breath sounds on the affected side, the decline in Sadr's movement on the affected side, decreased vocal resonance. Some of these symptoms can also indicate the presence of pneumonia and other diseases may be more than that and ordered tests to determine an accurate diagnosis.

When the doctor determines that there is in fact fluid in the pleural cavity, can be drawn from the original sample for evaluation purposes. The fluid can be analyzed to determine whether bacterial infection is the culprit, or whether cancer cells are present. Statistics show that lung cancer, including mesothelioma, breast cancer and lymphoma account for about 80% of all cases of malignant pleural effusions.

Treatment of pleural effusion
Treated the patient with pleural effusion due to mesothelioma with the procedure known as thoracentesis. This is done by inserting a thin needle in the pleural space for the perfusion fluid. This procedure Akhvev pressure on the lungs and makes breathing easier.

During thoracentesis the patient will be sitting in an upright position and can use ultrasound to determine the best place to suction fluid. It is commonly used local anesthetic to reduce pain. Usually the needle be inserted between the ribs in the back of the chest, and will be attached to a flexible plastic tube and the vacuum bottle that combines the liquid inside. And a sterile bandage will be applied after the completion of the process and can make another X-ray to determine its success and to ensure that no complications have increased.

In some cases the doctor will recommend surgery, also known as pleurodesis. This is the last solution in the long term for a person with recurrent pleural effusion. And pleurodesis involves the introduction of talc in the pleural cavity. And talc cause irritation between the parietal and deep layers of the pleura, closing the space between them and prevent further accumulation of fluid. It uses a local anesthetic or kidneys during pleurodesis. Although this is not technically surgery, it is painful and can require the patient to stay in the hospital expanded in the event of complications or if the patient is in a bad state of health.


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